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Our Services

Our work centers around helping victims get their needs met after an incident of harm and to support offenders to be meaningfully accountable to those they’ve harmed.  Through a tailored restorative process, our compassionate staff facilitate direct or indirect communication between the victim and offender that usually results in an agreement of actions an offender will take to address the harm they caused.


We provide presentations upon request and may offer training occasionally.


Our services are available to communities within the Peace Regional, Fairview, and Manning RCMP detachment zones.  They are free, confidential, and voluntary.


Restorative Processes



Restorative processes start with a referral from the RCMP, the Crown Prosecutions Office, a school, or community agency.  Individuals can self-refer.  For non-criminal matters, please contact our office for a referral form and to discuss the potential suitability of an incident for a restorative process.


Assessment & Informed Consent

This stage includes speaking with victims, offenders, the referral source, and other formal or informal supports as necessary to gather information that helps us to determine if a case is suitable for restorative justice.  We ensure informed consent to participate is given only after we have thoroughly reviewed our roles and responsibilities with respect to confidentiality, legal safeguards, upholding safety, the restorative justice process, collecting and storing information, and helping victims and offenders understand the potential risks and benefits to participation. 


Preparation & Process

During this stage, program facilitators work with victims to determine a process that aims to meet their needs to the greatest extent possible.  There are many ways in which facilitators can support victim needs being met through direct or indirect communication between parties.  Processes often include preparing for a facilitated dialogue with the offender to discuss the harm and impacts caused, and what needs to happen to make things right.   It’s important to note that direct dialogue is only required if requested by a victim.  


Facilitators help prepare offenders by supporting them in understanding how their actions have impacted others.  Offenders are required to take responsibility and actively engage in reflection about their actions, the harm caused, and how they can be meaningfully accountable. 


Facilitators may also prepare support people who are invited to participate in any given process by victims and offenders.  These meetings provide information on the process and give supporters the opportunity to share the impacts they’ve experienced and observed of their loved ones, and offer their perspective on what needs to happen to make things right.  



Should a face-to-face dialogue be requested, it is held upon completion of thorough preparation of all parties who are invited to attend.  Location, date, and time are determined with consent from all parties.  Facilitators lead a dialogue that focuses on the impacts of the incident, how people have been affected, what peoples’ needs are, and what support may be required for offenders to fulfill their obligations to the victim and, when relevant, the community. 


At the end of the dialogue, an agreement that details how the offender can best address the harms resulting from the offence may be created with consensus and facilitator guidance to ensure it is clear, realistic, and does not impose harm or unnecessary hardship. 


Completion of Process/Agreement

What constitutes completion of a process or an agreement is determined by the victim and/or the terms and conditions set out in any agreement created.  PRRJ staff and sometimes other supporters who have been part of the process help monitor the agreement.  Regardless of whether an agreement is created, PRRJ staff update victims and the referring source on the progress of a process and once it is complete.  

Restorative Processes


Occasionally Peace Regional Restorative Justice may offer training in the facilitation model of restorative conferencing.  If a session is being offered, it will be shared on our Events page.  We are willing to consider planning a session if you have a group looking for training in this model and we can find a time that works for everyone.


If you’re looking for a specific training in the RJ field, don’t hesitate to reach out to see if it’s something for which we may be able to help.  If we aren’t, we likely know an individual or organization who can and we’d be happy to help make a connection for you.

Giving a Speech


We are happy to provide presentations about our program and restorative justice within our service area.  Please reach out to let us know what you are interested in learning.  


A basic presentation that provides an overview of the principles and practices of restorative justice and details our program runs about an hour to an hour and a half.  Presentations can be tailored to suit your needs for content and time for questions and discussion. 

Looking for more information?
Contact us!

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